Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Hedonistic afternoon at Francois' villa

Francoise, obviously in need of sucking up to the bosses invited tristan and myself over for a barbarque (French Style) at his house on the slopes of Mt Boron. You couldn't really get a better position on the coast - looking down over the bay of Villefranche and further over to Saint-Jean-cap-Ferrat. Tris asked if he could bring his new girl friend and she asked if she could bring her girlfriend who was in town from Milan for a couple of days. Enough to warm the cockles of an old mans heart.

Francoise' beautiful baby had an outing in the middle of the afternoon - waking up a bit grumpy but very quickly getting into the party mood. Decided that choclate ice cream in 36 degree heat was just to sticky and enjoyable to only go in the mouth. After what seemed just seconds the entire end of the table, dad, the baby and part of yours truly was covered in a lovely brown quick setting slurry of over-heated ice cream. Doesn't get better - trying to look elegant and sophisticated around the pool on a lazy Saturday afternoon while the youngest member of the party is knocking our vanity and sense of cool for six. After a superb lunch of parma ham and melon to start followed by wood grilled rib eye of beef the pool beckoned and while yours truely lounged with a cocktail, the young'ens slipped into the water for a lazy paddle. Tristans girl Kath is an art curator in Milan and her girl friend Christy, a lovely fun canadian girl, also works in the same business. She had never been to Nice before and like most people fell head over heals in love with the place. And is now contemplating a full time move. Meanwhile Kath is still commuting from Milan to see Tris for two days a week. Ahh young love.